Friday, September 23, 2011

Lazy day!

<p>I spent most of the day lazing around today. Slept in, plus some internet research. Also I watched Eva train Petra, the dog, to look for truffles. That was pretty cool! Finally I headed into the city to go to the Timar's dance rehearsal. It was definitely worth going! I saw a political rally going on on the Margit bridge, but didnt have too much time to.check it out. When I got to the rehearsal, I had to practically beg these.two girls to please let me in and show me where to go. They seemed quite reluctant until I mentioned Matyi Timar's name. When I went in, I met I guess mom, and two I guess kids that were going to lead rehearsal. Thats when all the english stopped. I really touch with my following the lead skills. Where to go, what to do. Too bad I dont know Hungarian! I got some sort.of introduction from the.teacher/daughter lady. Someone is going to have to clear this all up for me, ha. Then I was thrown into umpteen dances and had an amazing time trying to figure out what was going on. All the dances were.familiar to me, but not the choreographies. Well, I take that back, there was some.sort of circle dance with theatrics before it, and a few small.things, but all and all was awesome. When I left, I got a little lost, as usual. I am unfamiliar with the Buda side, and was looking for my street! I finally found it, and took my bike on a crazy awesome photoshoot, though unfortunately only on my camera and not my phone. I cant adjust shutter speed on this thing...anyway, stopped at some burger place and ate dinner for about $2.50. Some british ( I think) guy said he liked my bike and gave me a sticker for a facebook page. Yay stickers! When I got home, Eva and Gabor told me there is a satellite that id going to hit the earth? Pretty scary. One in 3200 chance that it will hit a person; that seems pretty high!

1 comment:

  1. Do signs like this one that apparently point you where to go contribute to your getting lost? I know it would be pretty tempting for me...
